Monday, September 8, 2008

Coincidence? or crazyness?

So I got on facebook last week. And they have that friends search feature, and I realized that I do really have Alzheimers, becuase I could NOT remember several people's last freaking names. I was getting pissed.
Anyway, during one of my logons to the site I was trying to remember people who I'd wanted to find. And on Saturday, one name popped into my head and it would not leave for a few mins, but I didn't search for it, it didn't pop in there becuase I wanted to search for it, it was more like a I wonder how she is doing, man I haven't talked to her in a long long time...humm... kind of thing.

So the weekend passes, and I get here to work, open my email and there is an email from her in my inbox from late Friday night. She asked me to write something for her.
I wrote her back and told her about my thought of her this weekend. She thought it was definitely crazy and funny, but she's one that this wouldn't really suprise.

Guess it is just another weird thing that's happened in the life of me.

Also, I decided I better start recording these crazy things to measure frequency and also documenting my dreams--especially since they are so freaking vivid and detailed--sometimes they are like a miniseries.
I started typing last weeks' saga out, and after and hour and a half Scott was weirded out that I had been typing so long, I can't help if I can remember everything. I closed the laptop being only a quater of the way done writing out the dream sequence...I hope I don't forget the rest by the time I actaully get back to it. Darn memory!! please work for once!

Maybe after I die, bella can publish them and make some $$. :)

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