A. My novel. I have not been writing anything on my blog because most of my creativity has been absorbed by my novel. I have to write 50,000 words by 11/30. I am at 43,500. I have been at 43,500 for about 3 days. I need to wrap that puppy up. Nothing is coming to me. I am pissed at my characters for not revealing their ending to me yet. Those Bastages. I think they are doing this to me just cause they can. They gave me such an easy time thus far, they had to show me the hard stuff now. Thanks guys. (Who am I kidding, I am having FUN!)
B. Twilight.
What can I even say, the premier is in less than 12 hours. Two friends and I are going to go on THIS Sunday during the afternoon hoping that the impending Bears game and moms with kids taking naps will prove to help bring in a less crowded theater. Cross your fingers for us.
My love to Rob Pattinson, who looks like a deer in headlights. I hope your life doesn't suffer too much from all this frenzy. I saw an interview with him while he was in Chicago and all he wanted to do was get a deep dish pizza, but all he did was stare out a window. He can't go anywhere. How crazy. Though I don't feel TOO bad for him. He's freaking famous.
C. Facebook Man. I love that it keeps me in touch with my friends near and far, and family near and far. I love that thing. I am on there constantly.
Well, I gotta go figure out this mock conclusion, come on dream peeps, a little help?!!